The Beginning.

This world as you see has something more to it than just a bunch of countries together with all its people and their religions. Before the countries, there were only land masses with vast oceans, and before that? Who knows what was before that?

People are busy with their daily routine. All they care about is money. They might not even spend all of it and let it rot in the bank or in some locker, but earning a lot of them is a prime necessity today. Sometimes it feels we have been programmed to fulfill one and only one purpose, making money. When a child is born his/her fate is decided by his/her parents as to what he/she would become and at the end of day whatever it is they decide or want him/her to be it turns out it’s just they want them to earn shit load of money and fame.

Have you heard parents say to their newborn child “Be a good person, don't have to earn money or fall in love and have a family like me. Rather go out search every corners of the world, every depths of the vast oceans and find answers. Answers to your questions that you will have one day like I had once but due to my inability and lack of courage to question the current world order I couldn’t go ahead. I want you to be brave and go ahead know why you exist, why we exist, why this country, why this feeling that when you could have been born to any other parents in any other country why here then? Why can you always feel a pinch on your hand and not feel other's pain? What is this universe surrounding you, What are you?” .

You may be thinking what is my exact point of writing all these? I know it’s bit too confusing and may be bit too big to understand in one go. After all when you know about my thoughts and if you think about it yourself, you may either start questioning your own existence or you may scrap my ideas thinking it to be all drunken crap written by someone who’s drunk out of his mind.

Before you read further I should warn you that read on further only if you have that hunger for imagination with knowledge about this universe and have interests towards thought provoking ideas. You should have a broad mind to accept and think on any kind of ideas with proper logic, because what we are about to discuss may change your thinking about this world or universe forever. If you don’t want it that way then don’t read any further, else welcome to my world of dreams and imagination where I try to find out logical explanations to things we call today as supernatural, magic or paranormal.